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5 items found for ""

  • School branded PE shirts

    You can purchase the school branded PE shirts for all house colours at the school. The shirts are made of high quality, breathable fabric to help your child feel comfortable during exercise and other PE sessions. The shirts are available in Green, Yellow, Red and Blue with the school badge emblazoned on the left. The school colors would be worn during PE sessions and organized sport events. Contact the school to get yours now. All colors are available in multiple sizes that will fit your child.

  • Boosting water confidence

    See photos below from fun swimming activities at the school.

  • The school uniform

    You can see a sample of the school uniform from the photo.

  • Reading

    Your Wix Blog comes with 8 beautiful layouts to choose from. Whether you prefer a trendy postcard look or you’re going for a more editorial style blog - there’s something stunning for everyone. From your blog's settings, choose a layout for your blog feed that suits your style. For example, a tiled layout is popular for helping visitors easily discover more posts that interest them. Or, choose a classic single column layout that lets readers scroll down and see your post topics one by one. The full post layout opens the entire post in an endless scroll. Every layout comes with the latest social features built in. Readers will be able to easily share posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, view how many people have liked a post, made comments and more. Tip: Mix and match your look. Choose one layout for your blog's homepage and a different one for your category pages. You can change your layouts at any time, even after you’ve published your blog. Here’s how to do it: Head to Settings > Categories Click on the 3 dots icon Click Edit

  • Drawing and painting

    We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to manage your blog like a boss! First Publish your site, then login directly to your live website on desktop or mobile. Make sure you sign in with your Wix account, so you’ll be logged in as the admin to your blog. You can manage your blog and post from your live website. Just log in to your blog with your Wix account. Now you’re ready to write, edit and manage posts. Just click Create a Post and hit Publish. That’s it. It’s live for all your readers to see. Plus, you can manage all your post comments too - see what people are saying, like or delete comments & more. If you’ve been working on a post and want to come back to it later, save it as a draft. You can Publish it at anytime, just head to My Profile > Drafts.

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